Tipster nawoo - has not yet provided any information about himself.
Sitra have won 3 from their last 5 matches. Malkia have won once from their last 5 and lost during their last visit here.
Al Ahli Manama have won their last 2 home matches. East Riffa have lost their last 3 away matches and also lost during their last 2 visits here.
Both sides respective last 5 matches have ended in draws. Khenifra's last visit here also ended in a draw, so I expect a draw today as well.
Stade Moracain's last 4 matches have ended with over 2.5 goals and their last visit here also produced 4 goals, so I expect at least 3 today.
Wydad have won 3 and lost 2 from their last 5 matches. Rapide won both legs last season of this tie, so I feel that we are likely to see a winner in this match either home side or the away.
Both have 3 draws from their respective last 5 matches and Bahir have drawn during their last 2 visits here.