Athlone Town Vs University College Dublin: Tip, Predictions, odds & betting tips (24/05/2024) Houdini Predicitons . 2024-05-24T08:45
Ireland First Division
Athlone Town
2 : 2
University College Dublin

Athlone Town Vs University College Dublin: Tip, Predictions, odds & betting tips (24/05/2024)

Odds changes/Dropping odds

Ireland - First Division
1X2 Drop 1 X 2
Athlone Town 2 - 2 University College Dublin % 7/4 47/20 29/20

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Tipster Pick Status
Elfix Draw
bigol Athlone Town

Bets List/ Markets

Full Time Result
Athlone Town 46/25 draw 9/4 University College Dublin 36/25
Double Chance
Athlone Town or Draw 49/100 Draw or University College Dublin 37/100 Athlone Town or University College Dublin 29/100
Goals Over/Under 2.50
Over 107/100 Under 17/25