Athlone Town Vs University College Dublin: Tip, Predictions, odds & betting tips (24/05/2024) Houdini Predicitons . 2024-05-24T08:45
Ireland First Division
Athlone Town
2 : 2
University College Dublin

Athlone Town Vs University College Dublin: Tip, Predictions, odds & betting tips (24/05/2024)

Odds changes/Dropping odds

Ireland - First Division
1X2 Drop 1 X 2
Athlone Town 2 - 2 University College Dublin % 2.75 3.35 2.45

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Tipster Pick Status
Elfix Draw
bigol Athlone Town

Bets List/ Markets

Full Time Result
Athlone Town 2.84 draw 3.25 University College Dublin 2.44
Double Chance
Athlone Town or Draw 1.49 Draw or University College Dublin 1.37 Athlone Town or University College Dublin 1.29
Goals Over/Under 2.50
Over 2.07 Under 1.68